You know what's really awkward? The way the word "epically" is spelled. As if it should be pronounced... epi-callie, kind of like a mixture of an epi-pen for someone with severe allergies and a name for a dog that herds sheep. Another awkward thing? My everyday life. Seriously.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We're all pansies in Texas

It is cold in Texas. I feel like that's worthy of some sort of announcement. Being of cold-loving, ice-queen Northern European stock, I don't really find it all that miserable. But I'm speaking for the general population here: it's cheeeelly. In the high teens, low twenties, to be exact, with a wind chill that makes it feel more like ten degrees. This has led to some great awkward moments today.

I have this red coat that I wear in the winter. I love it. I do not love the fact that its pockets are small and high on my waist and don't allow me to carry an iPod and keep my hands warm at the same time. Normally in Texas, this isn't an issue, but today, it was. So I was instead tucking my hands into my coat above the buttoned-up waist, almost like a sarcophagus with its arms crossed. It took me at least seven uncomfortable glances from strangers to realize I looked like I was grabbing my own boobs. To be honest I probably was but considering that I was wearing a fleece and long sleeved t-shirt underneath the coat, I didn't feel myself, well, feeling myself up.

Furthermore, while my upper-half was warm and toasty in my wool coat, stoplights were the worst. I had to stand there and let my blood cool in my veins, unable to keep myself warm by vigorously powerwalking - and I mean, I powerwalk with purpose. Sometimes I march right by people I know without seeing them. So during stoplight breaks I do my Cold Dance.

This involves hopping from one foot to the other with my knees apart, alternating with jumps up and down with my feet together. The whole time, there's a fair amount of knee-knocking and wiggling my butt as I try to keep circulation going. Generally speaking, the University of Texas is so big I never really worry about running into people I know. But of course I was in the middle of my Cold Dance when I heard a little snicker, and then: "...Elisabeth? Um, hey...?"

I normally am not a public dancer (I'm sure by now you can guess why: my level of Dork is somewhere between Trekkie and goes-to-Star-Trek-conventions). So I understand everyone's surprise when they see me shaking it on the streetcorner.

Another great moment today was, ironically, because I was really hot. The music school is uncomfortably warm in the winter and freezing all summer. Whoever works the thermostat, please mellow down a bit. Please.

Anyways, I came in from outside and immediately started sweating in all my layers. First, I took the coat off. Still too hot. I reached for my waist and pulled my fleece up and over my head. In case you've never taken high school physics, static on fleece makes shirts stick to it.

So, to the people in the always very crowded foyer of the Butler School of Music today at approximately 1:52 pm... depending on how you felt about it, I'm either very sorry I accidentally flashed you, or, you're welcome for the show.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh Elisabeth. I can't believe I am just now finding your blog! Too hilarious.

    You are inspiring me to write more on my blog. Although your life is way more epically awkward than my own.
