It's was one of those weeks when nothing goes your way. Actually, it's been one of those months. Or semesters... anyways, enough whining. This brightened my week considerably.
I was in a vocal coaching session on Sunday when I heard the best - and I mean the best - "that's what she said" joke ever. I know, I should have outgrown this in 2009. But it was truly epic.
I'm a soprano, and a piece I'm working on has me dipping down from above the staff to some fairly low notes (low for me is probably kind of high for you if that gives you some context. My voice sounds like a squeaky little chipmunk sometimes.) The coach was gesticulating wildly as I maneuvered the leaps, and she finally cut me off, exasperated.
"Elisabeth! More force when you're below a B!"
"I don't want to push it out and use my chest just to be loud, though."
"That's the thing! You are so, so talented up top. But when you go down, you just have to work a lot harder to make it good."
Wait for it.
That's. What. She. Said.
Anyways, you probably didn't find this as funny as I did, because there's a 99.99% chance your sense of humor is nowhere near as inappropriate as mine. Oh, and you're also probably a lot cooler than I am. I was leaning against the Steinway in hysterics.
Sorry, I'll be funnier next time I post... later in the week means less sleep for me, which usually guarantees that more hilarity will ensure.
Speaking of singing, this is something that should make you smile. It's also, coincidentally, why basses are just better.
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