You know what's really awkward? The way the word "epically" is spelled. As if it should be pronounced... epi-callie, kind of like a mixture of an epi-pen for someone with severe allergies and a name for a dog that herds sheep. Another awkward thing? My everyday life. Seriously.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I need to sleep more often.

It's Friday night and I am staying in blogging. I just need to let sink in for a second. Frankly, this semester, I do a lot of staying-in on Fridays. Between my job and school and those pesky extracurricular activities that you thought you didn't still need for a resume after high school (guess what, you do) I just haven't been sleeping much during the week. I usually pass out around 11:00 pm on Fridays nights, so even staying up this late is an accomplishment for me. Although, it will probably make my friends cringe with pity when they read this post... tomorrow when they wake up after an awesome and event-filled night they may or may not remember.

Yesterday night I was finishing up my last shift at work, from 6:30 to 9:00, when one of my students told me that I had circles under my eyes and I had been slurring my words a little (really, where are kids' manners these days?)

With heavy sigh, I told him, "Yeah, I'm sorry I seem so distracted. I've been doing four hours a night for the last four nights." (I told you, I was slurring my words from sleepiness, which explains the following confusion).

His eyes widened, there was a long, awkward pause.

"Okay, what?" I asked, exasperated.

"You've been... doing it for four hours a night, four nights in a  row?"


"You know... doing it? You know," he winked exaggeratedly, "...IT." (So much for professionalism in the office, right? And also, four hours??? Seriously, that would be truly impressive. I'm almost flattered that my students think I'm such a sexual dynamo.)

"I said doing, not doing it."

"So if you're not doing it, doing what?"

"NOT HAVING SEX." I exploded, scattering highlighted and proofread papers across the tabletop. "Sleeping. I've been doing four hours of sleeping a night. Not that whatever I do or don't do is any of your business. This conversation is inappropriate."

And then my dear, sweet student, whose grammar I correct ad nauseum, looked down at his paper for an second and said, grudgingly, "You don't do sleeping. You're sleeping four hours every night. Not doing sleeping four hours."

I glared, and he repeated back the words I use with him every time we meet: "What? You don't need all those extra words. They just don't make sense."

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