You know what's really awkward? The way the word "epically" is spelled. As if it should be pronounced... epi-callie, kind of like a mixture of an epi-pen for someone with severe allergies and a name for a dog that herds sheep. Another awkward thing? My everyday life. Seriously.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sandwhich Man Strikes Again

Okay, so remember Sandwhich Man? At subway? You can read about him here.

Well. I ran into him again yesterday. It was only the second time I've gone to Subway, and it's been two months, so I assumed he'd found someone new to stalk. Nope. What was the first thing he said when I walked up?

"Oh! You cut your hair."

Weird. Weird, weird weird.

In other news, I got stranded at a bus stop this weekend in Houston. It's a long story involving the wrong address being posted on a website, iPhones, and the poor navigation skills of the person who was supposed to be picking me up. (Just kidding. I ruv roo! Thank you for coming to get me... eventually : ] )

So, I was sitting in a park and ride about forty five minutes from home for about thirty minutes. It started to get dark and there was this super-creepy old man in a white van parked near me and no one else around, so I left and walked down the road to a gas station, where I started to make friends with the two Albanian dudes who ran the register. I'm glad I did, because my phone started to die and I would have needed to use theirs to call some kind of help if my ride hadn't shown up. But anyways. They were really, really nice. They told me about their kids. They asked about my major. They even let me illegally loiter for about an hour in front of their store.

Who was not so nice? The people filtering through filling up their cars and going into the station. I guess it did look a little weird - I was the only Caucasian person there, I was wearing a pretty expensive hiking backpack, and holding a smart phone... and yet I was the one who was stranded at a gas station at 9:00 pm on a Friday night.Karma's a you-know-what.

Final awkward thought of the night. Somehow, after this weekend, I have 34 one dollar bills in my wallet. Excuse me, what? No, I didn't do anything morally reprehensible to earn the twenty three one dollar bills I just used to buy groceries. Stop giving me that dirty look.

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