You know what's really awkward? The way the word "epically" is spelled. As if it should be pronounced... epi-callie, kind of like a mixture of an epi-pen for someone with severe allergies and a name for a dog that herds sheep. Another awkward thing? My everyday life. Seriously.

Friday, April 22, 2011

In honor of Holy Week

Happy Good Friday! I know that seems like an oxymoron, considering that Christians use this day to remember Christ's death on the cross. But I am happy because it has been a wonderful day (and, on a serious note, I am happy because it's a day to remember how grateful I am to Him) . So, since this weekend is going to be all Jesus, all the time, I thought I'd kick it off with a blog post about one of the most awkward religious experiences of my life.

I was eating at the dining hall on this fall (I realize that there are multiple posts on the blog about the dining hall... it's true, the place just reeks of awkward) when I realized a guy sitting a little further along the table looking at me. I don't mean that whole "quick eye contact and then look away pretending it never happened" thing. I don't mean I caught him glancing over. I mean he was staring. When I made direct eye contact for the first time, he didn't even blush.

I assumed he was just zoning out in my direction, so I just resumed eating. When I looked over again, about two minutes later, he was still doing it. This time I lifted my eyebrows at him and tried to communicate through a somewhat ambiguous facial expression that he didn't need to be staring at me over his greasy pizza and french fries.

When it happened for the third time, I started to feel a little creeped out. It had been almost ten minutes, and I could see him out of the corner of my eye, just watching me eat. Wanting to get a good look in case I had to describe my attacker to the police later (kidding) I surruptiously tried to glance over him.

That was when I realized he was wearing a cross, a T-shirt from a Christian summer camp, and had a Bible sitting by his plate. I relaxed a little. Sure, he was big creepin', but was he likely to assault me? Probably not.

I went to go get ice cream, and when I got back, he sidled along the table so he was closer to me. Did he start with a "Hi" or a "My name is..." or even, "Sorry for staring, but you have something on your face?"


"God wants me to know you."

I blinked for a second, wondering how to answer that. He saw my suprise and asked, "Are you a believer?"


"Okay, then you understand!"

Not exactly. If God wants you to talk to me, talk to me. But don't precursor it with creeping. This is one of those examples of someone with very good intentions... and very poor execution. I believe there was something in the Ten Commandments about "Thou Shalt Not Rudely Stare At People Thou Dost Not Know".

Wait, there wasn't? Well, there should be.

Happy (early) Easter! 

Oh! Easter reminds me of bunnies, too! Have you ever heard of The Book of Bunny Suicides by Andy Riley? It's wonderful in the most sadistic way possible.

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