You know what's really awkward? The way the word "epically" is spelled. As if it should be pronounced... epi-callie, kind of like a mixture of an epi-pen for someone with severe allergies and a name for a dog that herds sheep. Another awkward thing? My everyday life. Seriously.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bad romance

Yesterday was Valentine's Day (I realize you probably don't live under a rock and you knew that, but I just had to set up the story.) Anyways, I have a job in an office that's built into the side of the football stadium at my university. I usually am in the office for about three hours at a time between classes and meetings or at night, which means several trips to and from every day.

To access the elevators, I have to walk through a big food court area. There's a Subway near the entrance to the office which I pass several times a day, every day and finally bought a sandwich at yesterday. Or at least, I intended to buy a sandwich.

I got all the way through the sandwich-designing process without incident, and then the guy making my lunch read me my bill. Four dollars and thirty-six cents.

Feeling super excited to use my one-dollar bills and coins, I whipped out my wallet (I'm always reluctant to use my debit card on something like a sandwich) and smoothed out my four one dollar bills (the only bills in my wallet) and then rooted around for a coin. I had a quarter. Sixteen cents short.

The sandwich purveyor noted my riffling through my wallet with increasing annoyance and said,

"Hey, it's Valentine's Day. Is some lucky guy taking you out to dinner?"

"Oh, I'm working til nine tonight, so I'm not really celebrating."

"You know what, it's on me then. For Valentine's Day."

Thinking this was just the Greatest Act of Random Kindness Ever, I started to thank him profusely. And then it got awkward.

Sandwich Man: "You know, I see you walking through here all the time."
Me: "Oh, uh, yeah. I work upstairs."
Sandwhich: "I always notice you walking past lookin' real fine."

Cue awkward silence.

So here's the awkward situation.
1) He just bought my sandwhich so I can't be rude
2) I really don't like being rude anyways
3) I'm not going to quit my job just so I don't have to walk past him every day.

On the other hand... seriously. Creeper. So, happy belated Valentine's Big Creepin' Day everybody. I hope you took the opportunity to finally confess your love creepiness to the object of your affection stalking.

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