You know what's really awkward? The way the word "epically" is spelled. As if it should be pronounced... epi-callie, kind of like a mixture of an epi-pen for someone with severe allergies and a name for a dog that herds sheep. Another awkward thing? My everyday life. Seriously.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's not summer until you've had an awkward bikini incident

So, I chopped off all of my hair on Wednesday. I don't just mean I trimmed it, I took off a solid foot of hair. It went from this:

To this:

Let's just say that the skype date during which this second picture was taken was HUGE shock-fest.

Anyways, onto the awkwardness! I hit the pool today (I was a swimmer for years and my body just isn't happy unless it's chlorinated every once in a while) for some chemicals, sun and anthropology reading. I have a new bikini that I was wearing which was just precious. I love anything floral. Can you tell from the picture above? Maybe that's a good thing, because it overcompensates for my super-short hair.

This super-short thing means that it dries really, really fast. It took about ten minutes in the sun to dry. My new bikini obviously didn't dry quite as fast. I put on shorts and t-shirt over my suit to walk home.

When you have wet hair, a wet patch on your butt is totally acceptable, because it's obvious you were swimming. Wet patches on your shirt also contribute to this. For some (mystifying) reason, my bikini top was really dry, my hair was dry, and the bikini bottom under my khaki shorts, well, not so much. Walking across campus looking like you just peed yourself? Not fun.

Second unfortunate pool incident? I have lost a little weight since buying my bikini top, which is strapless (don't you hate it when you lose weight exactly where you'd rather not get any smaller? I mean, diet and running, take away my thighs, sure, but I'd like to keep my boobs, thanks) and suddenly it is a little too big. I ducked under the water and... you guessed it. I had pushed off the wall and was streamlining underwater across the pool when I realized my top was down on my butt. Thank goodness that hasn't gotten any smaller or I would've lost it entirely.

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