You know what's really awkward? The way the word "epically" is spelled. As if it should be pronounced... epi-callie, kind of like a mixture of an epi-pen for someone with severe allergies and a name for a dog that herds sheep. Another awkward thing? My everyday life. Seriously.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Hall and Oates makes my life wonderful and awkward

The Hall and Oates song You Make My Dreams is honestly one of my favorite songs. I told you, I'm the most awkward person ever. Listen to this song, imagine dancing spastically to it... and well, that's me unwinding after a tough day.

Some days, I've been out of bed for about four and half minutes and I already know it's a bad day. So I bust out the Hall and Oates early. About two weeks was one of those days. As if dancing around to Hall and Oates at 10:00 am isn't awkward enough, I of course totally embarrassed myself before breakfast. How? It was kind of a snowball effect of unfortunate events.

1. My room-mate wasn't back from winter break yet, so I had no qualms about starting this geekfest while undressed.
2. I leave my blinds open at night because without the sunshine I could never get out of bed in the morning.
3. I'm really forgetful so of course I neglected to shut my blinds before taking my clothes off.
4. It was a move in day for my dorm so the parking lot behind my window was full of cars and families unloading their kids for the spring semester.

To make a long story very short, I shimmied around wearing nothing but my skin for about two minutes before glancing out the window - still naked - and seeing an entire family standing by their minivan - mouths open, all in a line like ducks and staring up at me.This wasn't one of those only-child familes. It was the college student, her parents, her grandmother and her two little brothers (how they all fit in that van, I have no idea.)

There's really nothing you can do to rectify this kind of situation. So I just waved.

But that's not the end of the awkwardness this song has brought me. I was in the dining hall, filling up my glass at the fountain, humming under my breath, when the guy restocking drinks - who looks like he should be playing for the NFL and not working at a dining hall - turns to me and says in a booming voice filled with the gusto my humming did not have: "Sing it, girl!"

Actually, the more appropriate way to type that would be, "Sangit, guuuurrlll!"

Normally, when I open my  mouth, I just make situations even more awkward, so I just laughed nervously and tried to back away slowly. But was Mr. NFL going to take no for an answer? You guessed it.

"Naw, don't be shy! Girl, you got soul!" (I would try to type his voice inflictions, but I would just feel ridiculous. You get the idea.)

Do I have soul? No. I'm a white girl who's studying classical music in college. Soul is nowhere near me. You couldn't give me soul if you locked me in a room and let me only listen to Aretha Franklin for a year. And what had I been humming? Ray Charles? Marvin Gaye? The Temptations? Nope.

"You make-ah-my dreams come true...ooh ooh..."


  1. Me: You LIKE the song about LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY?
    You: Uh.....that's not what the song's about.
    Me: YES HUH! In 500 Days of Summer it is!
    You: No. It's really not.
    Me: But...that scene? The dance!
    You: No. Kate. No.
    Me: ........shit

  2. But as I understand it, you do listen to a lot of soul.


    p.s. we should eat in the dining hall together sometime!!! a perfect reunion.
